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- E A G L E E Y E S
- by Jon Dearden
- Text by Fender Tucker
- Much has been written about
- "eye-hand coordination" and never let
- it be said that LOADSTAR doesn't jump
- on a bandwagon when one rumbles by.
- I like to think we do it in style,
- too. This month's Brainware feature
- is a great tester for LOADSTARites of
- all ages, and the author, Jon Dearden,
- has captured the LOADSTAR style his
- first time out.
- You'll need a joystick in Port #2
- to play. You can either play by
- yourself or against another player.
- In both games you're racing against
- time, but only in the one-player game
- can you make the EAGLE EYE Top Ten
- list.
- EAGLE EYES, as most great games
- are, is quite simple. Thirty-five
- boxes will be drawn on the screen
- with patterns inside each. The
- patterns are made up of randomly
- chosen Commodore graphics characters
- of various colors. In the center box
- is the pattern you're trying to find
- the match to. There will be one and
- only one pattern that exactly matches
- the middle pattern, which has a white
- highlight box around it.
- When you move the joystick a
- similar white box will move around
- the screen. Move to the matching
- pattern and press FIRE. Sounds easy,
- doesn't it?
- Well, there are a few more things
- to think about. The clock at the top
- of the screen is ticking down. You
- have to make five matches before the
- clock reaches zero if you are to move
- to the next level. If you don't, you
- lose a life, and you only have three
- to begin with.
- Each level is harder than the
- last. You get 45 seconds for Level 1,
- 35 for Level 2, 25 for Level 3, 15
- for Level 4 and 12 lightning-fast
- seconds for all higher levels.
- There's no limit to the number of
- levels, but I defy anyone to make it
- past Level 6. (Famous last words!)
- [Would that they were your last]
- [words, Fender! I made it to level 9!]
- [-- Knees Calhoon]
- You get 50 points for each match
- and bonus points for each second left
- on the clock when a level is
- completed. Jon has ingeniously made
- the game get more difficult at the
- higher levels, and not just because
- the time limit is shorter. He's made
- the patterns look more and more
- alike.
- It's not listed on the screen,
- but you can press Q to quit anytime.
- I added the Top Ten Scores
- feature of the game by using Jeff
- Jones' INSTANT HIGH SCORE program
- from LOADSTAR #84. Talk about easy!
- Three or four SYSes and it was done.
- I recommend you try it out in your
- programs or in BASIC programs that
- you wish had it.
- After playing this great game I'm
- sure you'll join me in welcoming Jon
- Dearden to the LOADSTAR fold, and in
- hoping that he sends in some more
- programs like this. This is a
- terrific example of the "you can't do
- that on paper" puzzle that LOADSTAR
- is proud to publish.
- FT
- [DAVE'S AFTERRAVE:] Thorsten Schreck
- of Germany asked me about getting this
- program for his daughter. So I looked
- it up (from issue 087) and sent him a
- copy. Thorsten writes German articles
- about the C-64 and retro gaming, and
- we hope to have one here sometime
- soon. But for now, Thanks for bringing
- this little classic to our attention.